Edward J. Connor '92

Dean of Admissions

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Committee Wrap-up

After several days of committee meetings and some late nights reviewing applications I spent last night doing some non-admissions related things...taking the on-line Jeopardy test (they certainly won't be calling me!!), watching Scrubs (I've always liked that show but hardly ever see it), and reading a bit of a new book I got for Christmas (Three Cups of Tea).

No more slacking tonight...time to sign the decision letters. About 80% of our Early Action Round II decisions will mail on Friday. What about the other 20% you say? Unfortunately the applications are too incomplete to review. If you want to check on your app status please use the log-in and PIN info in your acknowledgement letter to view your application status on-line.

Enjoy the snow!!


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