Edward J. Connor '92

Dean of Admissions

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Application Review and Committee

The counseling staff is putting the finishing touches on their recommendations for the Class of 2013. We'll be heading into a week of deliberations on Monday...so as they say if your ears are burning we may be talking about you:)

Looks like we'll wind up with just under 6,300 applications and we've all been busy getting to know the applicants over the last few months. So where are they all from? All 50 states are represented, as well as 79 countries, and just under 2,500 high schools!!

As of today about 10% of our applications are still incomplete and not ready to be reviewed...think you might be in that group? If so please call the office 508-831-5286 and we'll check it out for you.


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